
You need subject matter experts in the Canadian market who will offer you the most adaptable solutions for your business needs.

Payment options adapted to your specific business

Our ability to offer local online and mobile banking payment solutions builds customer loyalty and results in higher conversions.

Our range of payment methods and processing options, gives you flexibility transparency and control over payment process.

Transactions are completed in a timely fashion and more importantly, there is no data loss!


Intelligent solutions for better conversion

INTERACTM e-Transfer

INTERACTM e-Transfer the most popular solution, it works as an internet consumer-initiated transaction transfer of cash over email or SMS. It is supported by 100% of Canadian financial institutions.

INTERACTM Request Money

INTERACTM Request Money the newest product is an easier consumer-initiated transaction method where the vendor requests the funds required and the consumer accepts the request.


Business and customer security are our priority

Gigadat and the end-user’s financial institution exchange funds using established and secure banking procedures. Only notifications and deposit instructions are transmitted by email or text message. There are several security measures in place to protect end-users:

  • Encryption technology
  • Confidential user ID’s and passwords issued by financial institutions
  • Secure login process